Pre & Post Instructions


‘As you prepare for Gynaecomastia surgery, we will guide and help you at every step to make your journey comfortable.’

Pre-operative instructions of gynecomastia surgery. 

Pre-operative instructions for gynecomastia surgery typically include:

-Stop smoking or using tobacco products at least four weeks prior to surgery to promote better healing

-Stop taking any blood-thinning medication such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or vitamin E supplements before the surgery

-Avoid alcohol consumption for at least 48 hours before the surgery

-Have a blood test or other diagnostic tests as recommended by the surgeon

-Wear comfortable, loose clothing to the surgery

-Arrange for someone to drive you home after the surgery

-The surgeon may advise to stop eating or drinking after midnight before the surgery

-Advise the surgeon about any medications that you are currently taking

-Inform the surgeon about any allergies or previous surgeries.



Complete Blood Counts- CBC  |  PTI/INR  |  Blood Sugar levels-Random/ Fasting  |  Viral markers – HIV, HbsAg,HCV  |  ECG and Chest X-ray (if age more than 30 years)  |  Other optional blood tests as or if prescribed.



Anaesthetist will advice the type of anaesthesia suitable in patient’s case.




Instructions on the day of gynecomastia surgery typically include:

    • Arrive at the hospital or surgery center at the designated time and wear comfortable, loose clothing.
    • Do not eat or drink anything for the required time before the surgery as per the surgeon’s instructions
    • Remove all jewelry, contact lenses, and dentures before the surgery
    • Bring all relevant documents, including the informed consent form, insurance information, and ID proofs.
    • Inform the surgeon or anaesthetist about any changes in your health or medications since the pre-anaesthetic check-up
    • The anaesthetist will give you the anaesthesia and the surgeon will perform the surgery.
    • After the surgery, you will be taken to the recovery room where your vital signs will be monitored.
    • You will be discharged from the hospital on the same day of the surgery or may stay overnight depending on the case.
    • You will be given instructions for post-operative care and recovery and scheduled for follow-up appointments.

It’s important to follow the instructions provided by the surgeon and anaesthetist closely to ensure a safe and smooth recovery.


Call us or WhatsApp us at +91 7060180696 – Dr Ankur Singhal or +91 9528168089



  • Rest and avoid strenuous activity for at least 1-2 weeks after surgery.
  • Wear a compression garment to minimize swelling and support the chest during healing.
  • Ice the chest to reduce swelling and pain.
  • Keep the incision area clean and dry, and follow the surgeon’s instructions for wound care.
  • Avoid smoking, as it can slow down the healing process.
  • Follow a healthy diet and stay hydrated to promote healing.
  • Take any prescribed pain medication as directed by your surgeon.
  • Avoid exposing the incision area to the sun for at least 6 months after surgery.
  • Attend all follow-up appointments with your surgeon to monitor your progress and address any issues that may arise.
  • Be patient and give yourself time to heal. Complete recovery can take several weeks or months, depending on the extent of the surgery.




  • The quality of results may be affected if you do not follow the instructions and follow up visits, as advised.
  • For any query or unusual change, don’t hesitate us to call us at: +91 7060180696 ,  +91 9528168089 (between 10 am – 6 pm, Sundays off.)

Follow-Up Visits

  • Initial follow-up visit within the first week after surgery.
  • Additional follow-up visits at regular intervals, such as 2-4 weeks, 6 weeks, and 3-6 months after surgery.


  • Avoid strenuous activity and heavy lifting for at least 1-2 weeks
  • Light exercise, such as walking, can be resumed as soon as the patient feels comfortable
  • Cardio exercises, such as cycling, jogging, or swimming, can be started after 2-4 weeks, but contact sports should be avoided for at least 6-8 weeks.
  • Strength training can be started after 4-6 weeks, but it’s important to avoid chest exercises for at least 2-3 months.
  • It’s important to start with light exercise and gradually increase the intensity over time. 


  • Showering and bathing should be avoided for 1-2 weeks after gynecomastia surgery, or until incision sites have fully healed. 
  • Follow the surgeon’s instructions on incision care while showering. 
  • Avoid soaking in a bath or hot tub for 2-4 weeks to reduce risk of infection. 
  • Once cleared by the surgeon, showering and bathing can resume as normal.


Start massage at the chest as described by clinic staff at about 10 days.




Call us or WhatsApp us at +91 7060180696 – Dr Ankur Singhal or +91 9528168089


1. Will the scars be noticeable after gynecomastia surgery?

Scars from gynecomastia surgery can vary but most of the time will be well-hidden in the natural contours of the chest, becoming less noticeable over time. However, some patients may be more prone to visible scarring.

2. Is the result after gynecomastia surgery permanent?

The results after gynecomastia surgery are usually permanent, as long as the patient maintains a stable weight and healthy lifestyle.

3. When can normal activities be resumed?

Normal activities can typically be resumed after 2-4 weeks after gynecomastia surgery, but it’s important to avoid strenuous activity and heavy lifting for at least 1-2 weeks to allow the chest to heal properly.

4. Can't I exercise to correct my gynecomastia?

Exercise and a healthy diet can help to reduce overall body fat, but it may not be enough to correct gynecomastia as it’s caused by hormonal imbalances, obesity or medication, a surgical procedure is needed to remove the excess breast tissue.